State Government & MCoT Harmony DayA very culturally diverse cohort of community representatives and government leaders gathered at the Multicultural Hub - formerly the...
Harmony by the BayA great event hosted by City of Hobart, held at Cornelian Bay Oval, on Harmony Day - 21 March 2018. Harmony Day celebrates cultural...
Housing Choices Harmony DayWonderful to celebrate Harmony Day with residents, staff and supporters at the Queens Walk apartment precinct in the afternoon of 21...
塔州州政府與多元文化局之和諧日活動二零一八年三月二十一日下午,多元文化中心(前身為目娜藝術中心)迎來了來自各方各界的社區代表和政府部門代表,慶祝和諧日。他們來自不同文化、民族背景,分享了一個和諧的下午茶。 #HarmonyDay
海灣邊的和諧二零一八年三月二十一日,霍巴特市委舉辦的和諧日活動假瑪瑙灣圓形球場舉行。和諧日的目標於慶祝、尊重多元文化共存,讓廣大民眾能夠親身參與文化活動。同時,這一天也讓我們慶祝澳大利亞全國上下社區中的文化多元性。 除了本佛學院派出的舞獅隊伍之外,其他的文化社團讓到場的五百多名學生...