Chinese Han Transmission Tantrayana – Holy Tantra Gu Fan Mi Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism
Chinese Han Transmission Tantrayana – Holy Tantra Gu Fan Mi Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism (abbreviated as Tantrayana Buddhism or the School), as implied by the name, belongs to Tantrayana Buddhism. Tantrayana Buddhism originated from the Bhagavan Gu Fan Mi Fo Fan Vidyadhara Tantrayana Buddhism that was established in Ancient India by Manjusri Buddha, Maha Samantabhadra Buddha Tathagata, and Holy Ancestral Patriarch Bhagavan Zhi-Ji Vimalakirti, under the personal direction and instruction of the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha. Together with Exoteric Buddhism, the School disseminated Buddhist Dharma to the populace during the time when the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha was still present on Earth. Master Zhi-Ji is the twenty-eighth and current Patriarch Master of the School.
To many scholars who research in Buddhism, it is apparent that Tantrayana Buddhism is an unfamiliar name where historical information is not easily available. On the surface, this may emerge as true. One of the reasons is that, during the 9th century, Emperor Wu-Zong of the Tang Dynasty was a follower of Daoism, and he wanted to exterminate Buddhism. In history, this period is referred to as “Wu-Zong Mie Fo” (literally translated as Wu-Zong extermination of Buddhism). However, before the arrival of the Dharma disaster, the Holy Tantra Ancestral Patriarchs who were disseminating Dharma in the inner mandala halls within the imperial palaces were able to predict the incident using their observations and calculations of the Holy Tantra Time-wheel. They retreated accordingly and orderly, left the Tantrayana Buddhist temples, and merged with the general populace. Holy Tantra practitioners abandoned their Sangha Jewel forms and integrated within other schools of Buddhism, other religions, and even in all trades and professions. By doing so, even though the path of development was tortuous and undulating, the Dharma lineage was able to be preserved. Therefore, for over a thousand years, besides those who have comprehensively studied Buddhist teachings—especially Esoteric Buddhist teachings—it is difficult to obtain a full picture of the scriptural lineage transmission and oral lineage transmission of Tantrayana Buddhism—this school of Esoteric Buddhism that originated from Ancient India.
Furthermore, for the many scholars who undertake in-depth research in Buddhism, they often discover hidden and foreshadowed hints embedded within the text of teachings inscribed in many Exoteric and Esoteric scriptures. However, as the text is ancient and unelaborate, the esoteric significance contained within is not easy to parse or analyse. For example, within the Vairocana Sutra, Vimalakirti Sutra and other fundamental root sutras of Tantrayana Buddhism, the scriptural text contains Tantrayana Dharma principles that clearly indicate the Dharma lineage transmission of the School. As these Tantrayana teachings have yet to be decrypted and deciphered, even scholars who have attained a certain degree of research regrettably narrowly fail to grasp the meaning. Hence, one of the historical missions of Tantrayana Buddhism is to ‘exotericise’ (reveal and disclose) the profound and difficult-to-understand Tantrayana teachings to the general populace and benefit all sentient beings.
On 16th April 1989, Master Zhi-Ji strode over the Luohu Bridge in Shenzhen, China and drew open the curtain of world dissemination of Tantrayana Buddhism. Master Zhi-Ji travelled overseas and propagated Dharma around the world, to materialise the prophecy of Master’s teacher, Bhagavan ZHI-JI Vimalakirti Jing-Wu Dharma Lord. The “Deng Feng Shou Ji (the prophecy of Deng Feng)” was bestowed in the early 20th century, and described the direction of development for the School in the progressive future. Master Zhi-Ji eventually resided in Hobart at the southern edge of Tasmania in the Southern Hemisphere. Master Zhi-Ji conforms to the arrangements of the Holy Tantra Time-wheel, gradually unveiling the seemingly mysterious veil of the School and exhibiting its original features to the world. The Headquarters for worldwide dissemination of Tantrayana Dharma was also established. Moreover, in preparation for the founding of Jin-Gang Dhyana University, Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia was established as an institution that aimed to specialise in areas of education and academic research.
Master Zhi-Ji works unremittingly, spreading the Dharma of Tantrayana Buddhism—this Chinese Tantrayana Buddhist teaching—to the worldwide audience through multi-channel, multi-faceted and multi-dimensional measures in accordance with the aptitude of different sentient beings so as to benefit them. To facilitate propagation and operation, not-for-profit incorporations such as Holy Tantra Esoteric Buddhism Incorporated, Jin-Gang-Dhyana Incorporated, and Jin-Gang-Dhyana Wang Xin-De Foundation Incorporated were established. Furthermore, utilising the virtual platform of information and technology to target different audiences, websites such as ‘The World of Jin-Gang-Dhyana’[1], ‘Jin-Gang-Dhyana Temple of Australia’[2] and ‘Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia’[3] were set up. Due to the current popularity of mobile communications, accounts with the usernames “古梵密 (Gu Fan Mi)” and “Light Of Tasmania” [4]have recently been set up on Chinese social media platform WeChat, allowing friends to easily access and receive information and news about Tantrayana Buddhism on their mobile devices. Similarly, the School now also has a Facebook[5] page to benefit the multi-faceted propagation of the teachings of the twelve vehicles of Buddhism. Through these social media platforms, Tantrayana Buddhism also aims to promote the tolerance and accommodation of multiculturalism, as well as understanding and harmony between different ethnicities and religions. All departments and organisations under Tantrayana Buddhism observe the constitutions and conventions in accordance with the three incorporations, that is, to adhere to the nature of purely academic research and promotion of Chinese and Buddhist culture, and not to intervene in any political matters or engage in profit-making activities.
Following the ideology of the ultimate virtuous kindness and benevolence of the Great Holy Sakyamuni Buddha, and under the leadership of Master Zhi-Ji, Tantrayana Buddhism is devoted to fostering talents for Dharma dissemination with equal emphasis on Buddhist theory and practice. Moreover, it advocates the principle of simultaneous development of the three cultural educational aspects as guiding directions, they are: traditional Chinese culture, traditional Buddhist culture and conventional societal education. This strives to provide society with comprehensively talented people who have high morality and healthy mentality.

After the closing ceremony of the 8th Academic Symposium of Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy (research institute of the Esoteric faculty of Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia) in 2016, Master Zhi-Ji took a group photo with all the scholars and participants.
Following the great effort of the Australian Government in promoting multicultural policies, Tantrayana Buddhism has spared no efforts in the participation and propagation of multi-culture by concrete action, supporting the government’s policy and contributing to enriching cultural diversity. As early as 27th August 2005, FECCA (Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia), the peak legal entity for promoting multiculturalism, ethnic harmony, and social justice in Australia, presented the ‘FECCA 25th Anniversary Contribution to Multiculturalism Award’ to Master Zhi-Ji. The award was inscribed with praise for the dedication and contribution of Master Zhi-Ji towards multiculturalism in Australia, evidentially representative of the recognition by the Australian government towards the contribution to multiculturalism by the organisation.
Tantrayana Buddhism also enthusiastically supports social activities, promoting Chinese culture and Buddhist culture to the citizens of Hobart. Within the numerous cultural activities that are being held in the city every year, it is not hard to find the presence of the School. The pair of friendly and adorable golden lions, as well as the lively and agile Chinese dragon, are amongst the regular participants in the annual Hobart Christmas Pageant and they are loved by many children. Over the years, the Holy Tantra Lion Dance has gained abundant support by many spectators, and has been the opening performance in various celebrations around the city. For example, in the annual Taste of Tasmania food festival’s performance, each performance attracted many spectators. Through exhibiting an appearance that is accepted and liked by most people, not only are the values embodied within traditional Chinese culture and Buddhist culture being promoted, their recognition of Chinese traditions has also increased, and at the same time, they also unknowingly immersed themselves in the Dharma bliss and joy.
In addition to the annual Hobart Christmas Pageant, the Holy Tantra dragon dancers have also been invited to perform at the “Chinese Cultural Day” celebration in front of the then Governor of Tasmania, His Excellency Peter Underwood AC and Mrs. Underwood in 2009.

Then Governor of Tasmania, His Excellency Peter Underwood AC, Mrs. Underwood, Consul-General Shen Weilan and members from the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne with Master Zhi-Ji at the Chinese Cultural Day in 2009.
Internationally, Tantrayana Buddhism also greatly supports the propagation of Buddhist Dharma. In addition to being invited to participate in various Buddhist forums and promotion activities, Master Zhi-Ji is also the Spiritual Leader of World Buddhist Sangha Youth (WBSY), an international Buddhist organisation that includes members from 48 different countries around the world. WBSY holds its annual general conference in a different country or region each year, promoting Buddhism and the fostering of young Sangha to allow better dissemination and transmission of Buddhism around the globe.

On invitation, Master Zhi-Ji attended the “Da Xing Shan Temple and Tang Esotericism Academic Symposium” and a celebratory ceremony for the enthronement of the Most Venerable Master Kuan Xu as abbot of Da Xing Shan Temple, held in Xi’an, Shaanxi province, China in November, 2011.

A delegation from Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia attended the 13th General Conference of World Buddhist Sangha Youth held in Dawei, Myanmar in 2016. After the opening ceremony, eminent monks took a group photo at one of Myanmar’s royal temples, Sasana Bhiman.
On 18th September 2015, the Premier of Tasmania, The Honourable Will Hodgman MP officially opened the Gan-En Temple in Hobart, where the scale model of the Tasmanian Chinese Cultural Park of Australia was displayed. In accordance with the Deng Feng Prophecy, the contents of the prophecy are now materialising one by one.

The Honourable Will Hodgman MP, Premier of Tasmania, officially opened Gan-En Temple in 2015.
In recent years, Tantrayana Buddhism has been actively engaged in the development and construction of the Tasmanian Chinese Cultural Park of Australia, situated in Campania, Tasmania. This project strives to promote this southern corner of the Southern Hemisphere as a place where Tasmanian tourism, Chinese culture, and Buddhist culture can be incorporated and gathered under one roof—the cultural and humanity facilities at the Cultural Park. It is hoped that when finished, it can contribute to serving visitors from Tasmania, Australia, and around the world.
Necessary procedures in accomplishing this project are systematically underway. In the current stage, four seven-metre tall statues of the Four Great Heavenly Devas, together with two Guardian Stone Lions, both of which are essential features in traditional Buddhist temples, have been erected on the property. On 15th May 2016, the official opening and consecration of the statues was witnessed by Buddhist high monks and eminent ones, Senators and members of the Tasmanian and Federal Parliament, local government officials, leaders of different Chinese associations, prominent persons of various sectors, Consul Zhou Yujiang and Consul Zhang Xiaohong—representatives of Consul-General Song Yumin of the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne, as well as friends from the local community. The event was completed in perfection.
In the ceremony, Consul Zhou Yujiang made a speech and mentioned that “Master Zhi-Ji has brought Chinese culture into Tasmania, and blended with Tasmania culture harmoniously.” He “believes the merging of the two cultures will prosper, thereby assisting the citizens of the two countries to have better mutual understanding and friendship enhancement”.
These words of wisdom from Consul Zhou rightly identify the main motive in constructing this cultural park. In actual fact, the contributions of Tantrayana Buddhism towards the Tasmanian society and Chinese culture are being praised and recognised by the Tasmanian government and Chinese officials in Australia. Former Consul-Generals of the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne, Consul-General Shi Weiqiang and Consul-General Song Yumin have personally visited Tasmania and bestowed their support and encouragement to Master Zhi-Ji while they were still in position.

Then Consul-General Shi Weiqiang from the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne visited Master Zhi-Ji in 2011.

Then Consul-General Song Yumin from the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne visited Gan-En Temple in 2014.
All the Dharma dissemination work that Tantrayana Buddhism undertakes endeavours to promote and achieve peace and harmony amongst humankind. As then Premier of Tasmania, The Honourable Lara Giddings MP said in her speech during the Bathing Buddha Ceremony in 2013: “This is a ceremony that dates back thousands of years, and one that is so pivotal to the Buddhist culture, religion and beliefs. We, here in Tasmania, have our lives enriched by this community led by Master Wang.”

Master Zhi-Ji presented then Premier of Tasmania, The Honourable Lara Giddings MP with an oil painting of President of the People’s Republic of China, President Xi Jinping and First Lady, Peng Liyuan, in 2013.
Current Governor of Tasmania, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AM, after visiting the preliminary developments on the site of the future cultural park, wholeheartedly expressed that she wished she could live up to some of those wonderful Buddhist ideals and that she would keep trying to do so.

Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AM visited the site of the future Tasmanian Chinese Cultural Park of Australia in 2016.
This precisely reiterates the purpose and ideals of the dissemination of Dharma by Tantrayana Buddhism: to help sentient beings realise the need to live up to the wonderful Buddhist ideals so that they can pursue the benevolence and wisdom of virtuous kindness, and to realise their spirituality. In this way, human beings will establish peace and harmony as the guiding force in their heart, mind and spirituality, and offer their contribution to materialise the long-awaited and desperately needed world peace and harmony.
[1] “The World of Jin-Gang-Dhyana”:http://www.jingangdhyanaincnet.org
[2] “Jin-Gang-Dhyana Temple of Australia”:http://auscnbuddhism.org/zh-cn/
[3] “Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia”:http://www.tascbaa.org/
[4] WeChat – “Light of Tasmania”: http://m.duxuan.cn/gonghao/1632500/?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0
[5] Facebook – “Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia”: https://www.facebook.com/TasChineseBuddhistAcademyofAustralia/