On 14 January 2018, Master Wang and members from Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia attended a solemn and tranquil ceremony at the Baha’i Centre of Faith to mark World Religion Day. It was well-attended, with local politicians including Deputy Lord Mayor of Hobart, Alderman Ron Christie; Alderman Eva Ruzicka; mayor of Kingborough, Councillor Steve Wass; and representative of Clarence City Council, Alderman Richard James in attendance. World Religion Day was established in 1950 based on the principles of oneness of religion, and of progressive revelation, which describes religion as an ever evolving matter throughout the history of humanity. Since its establishment, World Religion Day has been celebrated globally on the third Sunday of January each year, with devotees and practitioners of different religions gathering together to highlight the harmonious relationship among all religions, and the role that religion has in unifying humanity.
The founding principles of World Religion Day are very much aligned with Buddhist principles that ‘humans and humans are a non-connected entity’. It highlights that even though we have different faiths, are of different ethnic backgrounds, and play different roles in society, we are still one big family, and because of this, every single person shoulders the historical mission of promoting peace, harmony and cosmic great love.
The theme of this year’s World Religion Day is ‘love’. Apart from the prayers and readings about the concept and value of ‘love’, cultural performances by renowned Indian dancer, Ishvari Devi, and local guitarist and producer, Deo Bosco, added to the celebratory spirit. The Vajra Yong-Cheng Reincarnated Beings were again invited to demonstrate the Dynamic Dhyana Dharani meditation.
The Academy has attended this event since its commencement in Hobart in the mid-1990s, in support of the promotion of inter-faith and inter-religious harmony.