9th Annual Academic Symposium
Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy
The 9th (2017) Annual Academic Symposium of Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy will be held on Saturday 1 July 2017. The main theme of academic discussion for the 9th annual meeting is:
“Universal Illuminance of the Han Transmission Esoteric Dharma, Reenacting the Inner Yoga Practice of Vimalakirti”
The scope of dissertation discussion topics include: 1. The Exploration of the Dissemination of Chinese Han Transmission Esoteric Buddhism and the Transmission of the Essence of the Chinese Culture. 2. The Exploration of the Holy Ancestral Patriarch Master Sutra: Buddha Spoke the Inconceivable Liberation Dharma Method as Taught by Vimalakirti Sutra Transmitting the Positive Energy of the Universe, Purifying Society and Guiding Sentient Beings. 3. The Universal Significance between the Doctrinal Congruence, Mutual Esotericism of Dharma Theories, Shared Brilliance of the Former and Latter, and Concerted Enactment of Holy Dharma of the Holy Ancestral Patriarch Master Sutra: Buddha Spoke the Inconceivable Liberation Dharma Method as Taught by Vimalakirti Sutra with the Vairocana Sutra and the Vajrashekara Sutra. 4. The Universal Significance and Mutual Relationship between Exoteric and Esoteric Sila (Precept) Dharma, and Meditation Practice Achievements. 5. The Exploration of the Common Unique Characteristic of the Integration of Religion and Culture in Accordance with the Guidance of “The Belt and Road” to Promote the Internationalisation of the Chinese Civilisation. 6. The Cultural Value of the Establishment and Transmission of the Esoteric Script of Chinese Han Transmission Esoteric Buddhism. 7. The Exploration of Applying Modern Day Technology to Promote the Primordial Dharma Teaching Language Realm of the School. 8. The Mutual Relationship and Significance of the Universal Time-space Holy Tantra Dharma Method of “Holy Tantra Rainbow Transformation Reincarnation” with the Progress of Human Civilisation. 9. The Mutual Connection and Meaning of the Avenue of Holy Tantra Family with the Positive Energy Spiritual Civilisation of Mankind. 10. A Further Discussion of Buddhism Beyond Boundaries. All scholars and friends from within the Religion and within the School that have an interest in Chinese Han Transmission Esoteric Buddhism - Holy Tantra Gu Fan Mi Jin-Gang-Dhyana Buddhism are welcomed to attend and submit dissertations. All practitioners that are applying for Dharma learning pilgrimages are also welcomed to enthusiastically submit dissertations. Submission due date is 6 June 2017. Please submit dissertations to tcbaa0515@gmail.com. Word Count: For Chinese, not less than 4000 characters with no upper limit.
If possible, please include an English translation. You are welcome to use Sanskrit, Pali and English to write your dissertations, along with Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese, Indonesian and other languages, however, English translations are required to be attached to your submission. Dissertations must include citations where due reference is made. Please include an abstract at the beginning of your dissertation. The word count of the abstract must be between 300 and 500 characters. Keywords: 3-5.