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Lions Club Australia - Centennial Celebrations

Lions Club is a non-for-profit organisation that provides service to communities internationally. The club name of LIONS stands for Liberty, Intelligence, and Our Nation’s Safety. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Lions Club. As part of the Centennial Celebration that will be held at the birthplace of Lions Club – Chicago, USA, Lions Club Australia held its national centennial conference in Hobart, from the 5 – 8 May 2017, with its opening ceremony on 5 May 2017. Master Wang and Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia was very honoured to have been invited to particular in this distinguished gathering. The conference was officially opened by Her Excellency, Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC, Governor of Tasmania. Held at Wrest Point Casino, the event was attended by Lord Mayor of Hobart, The Right Honourable Alderman Sue Hickey, Director of Lions Club International Mr. Tony Benbow OAM, and Council Chariman Mr. Rodd Chignell, as well as over 1000 delegates and representatives from various Lions Club around Australia. Upon the invitation of Mr. David Daniels OAM – longtime friend of the Academy, Vice-President of Crime Stoppers Tasmania, and past District Governor of Lions Club in Tasmania, a pair of Vajra Lions – under the leadership of the lion tamer – escorted the Centennial Torch to the stage as part of the opening ceremony; following this, they gave a short performance, which was well received by the audience. The invitation for Master Wang to attend this event was a show of commendation for the support and friendship he has had with Lions Club Tasmania. During the speech of the Lord Mayor of Hobart, she acknowledged the attendance by Master Wang, and once again praised and thanked Master Wang and the Academy for their support and contributions towards the City of Hobart. The Academy extends their gratitude to the organising committee for their sincere invitation; at the same time, to Mr. Craig Waterhouse – longtime friend of the Academy and former police Inspector – for his warm hospitality.

© Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia Incorporated 2021      |      ABN  72 556 293 482

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