With spring in Tasmania at our doorsteps, a clear sky and fresh air signals the perfect day for touring. On the morning of 22 August 2017, a group of 42 local senior tourists from the Coal River Coach Travel Club visited the Tasmanian Chinese Cultural Park of Australia.

A member of Coal River Coaches whom attended the Holy Opening Ceremony of the Guardian Stone Lions and Four Great Heavenly Devas on 15 May last year initiated this event; filled with Dharma joy, they wished to share the beautiful structures with more sentient beings. Hence, on numerous occasions they contacted the Academy to specially arrange a group of seniors to visit the site. Upon stepping off the tour bus, the silver-haired yet well-spirited seniors were already awestruck by the flying flags of multiple Buddhas, exclaiming that the red flags were waving to them, welcoming their arrival. Holy Tantra Elder Gurus and a Reincarnated Being gave a brief introduction followed by leading them to tour the Guardian Stone Lions. Merely upon seeing the intricate carvings of the stone lions, the seniors were already in great excitement, praising the power yet compassion of the pair of stone lions. They all carefully appreciated the statues, some of which expressed that they have passed by this park many times, and from the outside could never tell the inside had such scenery.
Although many of them are quite elderly, a large amount of the seniors continued to follow the Elder Gurus and Reincarnated Being on foot up to the Four Great Heavenly Deva statues, which were situated on higher ground. The Elder Gurus and Reincarnated Being explained the Dharma principles for each of the Heavenly Deva statue. The seniors noticed each Heavenly Deva statue was completely different, however, produced with the same intricate carving techniques and skill, magnificent and beautiful. When they heard each holy statue was carved over out of a single piece of alabaster and took many years, they could not help but praise and thank the Academy for offering them this rare and unique cultural appreciation opportunity. At the same time, they expressed the need to carefully read the Dharma publication to better understand the significance and Dharma principles of compassion, peace, harmony and wisdom filled within each stone statue.