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Legacy TAS visits Lions & Devas
An honour to host some very inquisitive and lively ladies from Legacy Tasmania on 18 April 2018. Some members of the Academy accompanied...

Lifeline visits Lions & Devas
An honour to explain to friends from Lifeline Tasmania, the significance of the Two Guardian Lions and Four Great Heavenly Devas on 17...

The Hon. Rebecca White MP visits Zhi Ji Museum
On 25 August 2017, Opposition leader of Tasmania, The Hon. Rebecca White MP and former Premier of Tasmania, the Hon. Lara Giddings, took...

塔州反對黨領袖 The Hon. Rebecca White MP 到訪智及博物館
2017年8月25日,澳大利亞塔斯馬尼亞反對黨領袖 The Hon. Rebecca White MP ,與前任塔州州長 the Hon. Lara Giddings ,在百忙中抽空到智及博物館參觀及與智及 王信得宗師會面。期間,她細心聆聽智及 王信得宗師向她解釋籌建中的澳...

塔州春天已在門檻,天朗氣清,正是旅遊的好日子。在2017年8月22日早上,一群共四十二人的本地耆老旅行團 Coal River Coach Travel Club,參訪了澳大利亞塔州中國文化公園。 是次活動緣起至塔州 Coal River Coaches...

Senior Tourist Group Visit Jin Gang Dhyana Temple
With spring in Tasmania at our doorsteps, a clear sky and fresh air signals the perfect day for touring. On the morning of 22 August...
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