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Mid Autumn Festival Luncheon
The Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on 24 September this year. The festival is marked on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese...

30th anniversary of Australian Teo Chew Association
A wonderful celebration of the Australian Teo Chew Association’s 30th anniversary, held in Sydney a few weeks ago. Attended by various...

2562 浴佛聖典
2018年5月27日上午十時正,在塔州中國佛教學院崇敬大廳,大雄殿舉行了大聖 釋迦牟尼佛祖2562年浴佛聖典,法會隆重莊嚴、令人喜悅,過程順暢,吉祥圓滿。 每年的浴佛聖典都是高朋滿座,往年前來參加的好朋友們,通常是州、市兩級政要以及本地主流社會的人們,更是對本地市民公開...

2562 Buddha's Holy Birthday
On a brisk winters morning, the doors of the headquarters of Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia opened for the celebration...


2017 Lantern Festival
On 11 February 2017, the 4th annual Lantern Festival was held at the Hobart Town Hall. Hundreds of lanterns, big and small, adorned the...

2017 丁酉春茗

2017 Ding You Chinese New Year Banquet
On 28 January 2017, the Academy hosted its Chinese New Year Gratitude Banquet at Wrest Point’s Tasman Room. Held on the first day of the...

2016 霍巴特聖誕遊行
二零一六年十一月十九日,澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院約一百名僧伽,參與了第三十六屆霍巴特聖誕遊行。 聖誕遊行對於本地西方百姓來說,既標示著一歲之未,又是喜慶的日子;既是迎接耶誔之節日,又是忙碌的一年之尾聲。對我們而言,聖誕遊行象徵了澳大利亞和平、和諧、多元文化的社會氛圍,推...

2016 Myer Hobart Christmas Pageant
On 19th November 2016, over 100 members from Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia participated in the 36th Annual Hobart...
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