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Sheng-Yuan as visiting soloist in NSW concerts
After impressing judges at the 2018 Macquarie Philharmonia Concerto competition held earlier in the year, Young Reincarnated Being Vajra...

世出世法,相輔相成──金剛聖源轉世者第二次慈善音樂會 四月下旬,塔州踏進秋季的中間,風光明媚,街上紅葉片片,充滿著詩情畫意的情懷。 4月21日下午,位於市中心充滿歐陸風味的霍巴特市政廳大禮堂,超過二百五十位來賓, 蒞臨金剛聖源轉世者的第二次慈善音樂會,令這個秋天的下午,更添...

Charity Concert - Vajra Sheng-Yuan
On the afternoon of 21 April, Hobart Town Hall was packed with over 250 people for Vajra Sheng-Yuan’s second charity iano concert. From...

Year of the Dog Banquet
The Academy hosted its Chinese New Year banquet at Wrest Point Hobart on 16 February - the first day of the Wu Xu Year (literal...

二月十六日,戊戌新年大年初一,澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院於維斯特角大酒店舉行農曆春茗,邀請了各界政經領袖、社區領導及志願者、海內外賓客、新老朋友齊聚一堂,喜迎新春。戊戌年將會為人們帶來挑戰,但挑戰之際也將帶來機會。 特別感謝本地舞蹈團 House of...

Sydney Chinese New Year Celebration
The Opening of Spring Scenery of the Chinese Auspicious Month with Song and Dance to Praise the Year of the Dog ——an account of...

神州吉月開春景 曼舞笙歌頌狗年
神州吉月開春景 曼舞笙歌頌狗年 ──紀澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院應邀出席2018年悉尼東方春晚 在中國國家主席習近平閣下前瞻睿智的思想領導下,〝一帶一路〞的百年大計將中國軟實力──歷史悠久的中華文化展現在世界文化舞台之上;中華文化尤似一顆璀燦爛漫的東方明珠,閃曜著獨特的...

Vajra Sheng-Yuan: Semifinalist at Tasmanian Young Achievers Awards
Reincarnated Being Vajra Sheng-Yuan selected as a Tasmanian Young Achievers Award Semi-Finalist Young people are the pillars of society’s...

金剛聖源轉世者榮選為年輕成就者準決賽入圍 年輕人是社會未來的棟樑。為表彰年輕人的成就,及鼓勵他們繼續朝目標前進,澳大利亞各省每年舉行Young Achiever Awards(年輕成就者獎)。 塔州的頒獎禮,已在2017年4月8日星期六舉行。 ...

2017 Sydney CNY Concert
On 8 January 2016, Master Wang and a TCBAA delegation was invited to attend the Chinese New Year Celebratory Concert held at Sydney's...
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